A workshop on the development of Apps for smart phones which does not require any programming skills – even no smart phone is necessary to participate.
In digital signal processing, especially if applied to audio signals, two algorithms are of special importance: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and convolution. The lecture presents both algorithms, focusing on their functioning and application.
Tim Otto Roth introduces cellular automata, presents artistic projects dealing with those and discusses questions these systems raise for media theory and image science.
The possibilities to generate changes in the textile’s surface and color, or to improve their technical characteristics are some areas of research today. Based on a series of examples, this presentation introduces wearable technologies and smart textiles and will point out some of the paradigmatic changes that have occurred in the definition of form and surfaces from an interactive point of view.
Die letzten Entwicklungen in der Genetik, Molekularbiologie, Entwicklungsbiologie und Biochemie erlauben uns tiefer gehende Einblicke in die Geheimnisse des Lebens. Die Entschlüsselung der Prinzipien der biologischen Transformation von Energie in Form wird das Leitthema dieses Jahrhunderts sein.