A research project of Freie Universität Berlin and KHM, Academy of Media Arts Cologne with guest scientists of ESRC Lancaster and NCCR Bildkritik, University of Basel (eikones).
CITIZEN MEDIA is a collaborative research project which unites leading creative and technology experts from across Europe on research, development and validation of A/V systems to enable multiple non-professional users to co-create networked applications and experiences based on their own user-generated content. In this project new ways are investigated on how to exploit the huge amount of user-generated content in innovative ways to support people in their daily lives and how technology will enable social change to strongly involve users for co-creating networked applications. This work will introduce new concepts that may modify the role of stakeholders in the classical value chain for content delivery.
The EU IP project LIVE investigates novel iTV formats, production methods and tools for staging of live media events in a professional broadcast environment. The vision of LIVE is to change the role of the traditional live TV Director to become a future Video Conductor communicating in real-time with his audience.