Biointegrierte Materialien, Artefakte und Prozesse
David Hahlbrock, Georg Trogemann
Picture: Growing Willow Cathedral, built by Sir James Hall in his garden (1794). Artist: Alexander Carse
The research project «Bio-integrating Material Development» is dedicated to the development of new functional materials for urban construction, architecture, product design and agriculture. Trough the combination of traditional materials und digital construction and processing methods with organisms, organic processes and especially biological growth we intend to investigate sustainable materials, different material processes and alternative forms of poiesis. (pdf)
About abstraction and concretization in our algorithmic thinking and doing
Georg Trogemann
Quantification, formalization, and functionalization of our lifeworld are marking the way of the concrete into the machine. But in the process of calculation the phenomenons and contingencies come back. Here we consider this dependencies between the wealth and the formal. (pdf)
Neocybernetics Workshop
in Nago-Torbole, Norditalien, vom 5.-8. Juli 2013
Georg Trogemann
Die Sizilianischen Förster (pdf)
Not only from nature but also from our technologies we have learnt that we will never be ably to completely understand and control complex systems. If we take this fact seriously, what does this then imply for a responsible treatment of nature, technology and society?