Meter Crawler by Keiko Takahashi can be seen at the exhibition:
ARS ELECTRONICA Wie eine zweite Natur
06. Juni bis 28. Juli 2013
on the 22nd of May
Christian Faubel talks about
“l’aile ou la couisse?”
What do you want to eat?
on the 08th of May
with an introduction by Clemens Kujawski
and discussions surrounding
wave-particle duality and decoherence.
Four years after the first computer art exhibitions, Generative Computergrafik, in Stuttgart and Computer-Generated Picture in New York (1965) in 1968 the show Cybernetic Serendipity: The Computer and the Arts took place in London: “ 130 contributors, of whom 43 were composers, artists and poets, and 87 … engineers, doctors, computer scientists and philosophers.”
Wachstum wird in den verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Kontexten beobachtet und beschreibt immer zeitgebundene Prozesse der Zunahme und Vermehrung. Die Bevölkerung wächst. Die Städte mutieren zu Megacities. Hedgefonds wuchern und das kann negatives Wirtschaftswachstum zur Folge haben. Tiere wachsen oft in Hochhäusern und die Pflanzen wachsen wild oder kultiviert – auf der Erde und sogar im All. Menschen können in Reagenzgläsern wachsen. Im Laufe des Lebens wächst oder schrumpft jeder. Das größte Lebewesen der Welt ist ein 2400 Jahre alter Pilz, der sich auf über 880 Hektar verbreitet hat. Und wie wächst das was man will? Welches Wachstum kann man beeinflussen? Was wächst wann? Wo wächst was?
on the 24th of April
Food Processing (David Hahlbrock),
Cargo Cult (Georg Trogemann) and
Science Fiction and/in History (Karin Lingnau).
Tuchfühler by Christoph Kilian is part of the Exhibition Mapping Time at the European Media Art Festival.
Synchrony is a natural phenomenon that can be observed in humans, animals and other organisms. Humans, animals and plants, for example, synchronize their internal daily rhythm (circadian rhythm) to the 24 hour cycle of the earth’s rotation.
In late 1994, the International City Federation was founded in Berlin. Probably the most prominent Net project in Germany in the period 1995/1996, its aim as an independent Internet provider was to make it easier for cultural projects to build up an Internet presence. The IS offered low-priced Internet access and server capacity for experimentation–a service not to be underestimated at a time when private Internet access was beyond most people’s means.
The space probes Voyager 1 and 2 are the only manifestations of humanity so far that have travelled beyond the edges of the heliosphere. They were launched into space in 1977 and a decade later flew past the most distant planets in our solar system. …