off topic: aufräumen

The new issue of off topic, the KHM magazine for media art, will be released on Friday, November 6th. Under the title “aufräumen” (clearing up) it features several Lab3 related projects and topics. Among these are an article by Andreas Muxel about his piece › CONNECT, an interview with Severin Hacker by Ludwig Zeller dealing with “human computing” and the idea of a net-based “aesthetic measure”, and a report by Stefan Göllner about the relation of software development and urban planning in the project › Unortkataster Köln.
The release event will take place at the KHM library on Friday, October 6th at 3 p.m. It features the performance “Mikrotonale Landschaft” (microtonal landscape) by Ji Hyun Park and Tobias Beck.
The magazine can be ordered online. Articles mostly are in German language, with a few English exceptions.