Science Kitchen 19

The Forager
a platform of the Forager Collective for multi-disciplinary food related inquiries
Guest lecture in the context of possible, probable, preferred by
Sunoj D.
Monday, 06th July 2015
18:00 h
Sunoj D. (*1979/India), working out of a rapidly transforming country like India, describes his artistic practice as a result of social, political and geographical implications. His use of materials and resources is influenced by social and political constructions and effects and not only stands for the material itself but also for its circumstances. The challenge of his process is to push the boundaries of these ideas/materials into newer contexts to create a discourse using contemporary visual language. His approaches lean towards recognizing and detecting complex correlations of concerns around issues of farming and the various narratives of food.
He is also part of the Forager Collective which is publishing the online magazine The Forager since 2014, a quarterly online journal of food as a cultural practice and political issue. With the magazine the Forager Collective explores the many ways in which food influences, affects and changes us in different cultures and contexts. Forager Collective is a group of writers, artists and a lawyer interested in investigating into issues and ideas that are changing and shaping the politics, culture, physical geographies and socio-economic aspects in the contemporary world.
More about this semesters Science Kitchen you’ll find here
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The image shows a part of Sunoj D.’s installation of 2013:
When you watch them grow … 2