Code and Material WS 2012/13

Georg Trogemann, Martin Nawrath
Grundlagenseminar Material/Skulptur/Code
Wednesdays, weekly 14:00 – 16:00 pm
Filzengraben 8-10, Lab3
Code is a run-of-the-mill material. What only two decades ago belonged to the exclusive field of engineers and programmers today is omnipresent and part of the standard equipment in many different design and production processes. Thereby Code is a material like any other. Its basic possibilities, qualities and behavior have to be explored, routines have to be practiced and the stubbornness of the material has to be experienced. Autonomous behavior, networking, collaboration and interaction are features the new semiotic material supports.
During the seminar we will work with sensors and microcontrollers to provide programs with events from the surrounding world. And we use LEDs, motor, servos, and other actuators to control objects or actions in an environment of people, machines, and things.
Beside simple programming skills laboratory work and the conception and construction of your own basic experiments are at the center of the seminar. We will learn and understand that only the interleaving of digital codes with physical material are able to unfold the surprising behavior patterns between people and their animated objects.
1. Stunde 17. Oktober 2012 (PDF)
2. Stunde 24. Oktober 2012 (PDF)
Material zur 2. Stunde (ZIP) geändert am 07. Dezember 2012
Das Archiv wurde aktualisiert und enthält eine neue Version der SensorAktor Library. Bitte nicht mehr die alte Library verwenden.
3. Stunde 31. Oktober 2012 (PDF)
Material zur 3. Stunde (ZIP)
Material zur 4. Stunde 07. November 2012 (ZIP)
Als Alternative zum Programm SoftwareServoControl enthält das Archiv nun zusätzlich das empfohlene Programm SimpleServoControl, das statt der SoftwareServo Library die Standard Servo Library inkludiert.
Material zur 5. Stunde 14. November 2012 (ZIP)
Material zur 6. Stunde 21. November 2012 (ZIP)
Material zur 8. Stunde 05. Dezember 2012 (ZIP)