Simple DC motor controller
Basic example of a simple DC motor controller using the built-in L293 chip of the SensorAktor-Shield.
/* simple motor controller * * control speed of a motor * * SensorAktor Workshop * Lab3 2008 * Kunsthochschule fuer Medien Koeln * Academy of Media Arts Cologne * * pin mapping SensorAktor Shield * import SensorAktor.h to get already defined mapping * * analog inputs: analog0 = pin0, analog1 = pin1, analog2 = pin2, * analog3 = pin3, analog4 = pin4, analog5 = pin5 * built-in poti: poti = pin5 * amplified input: mic = pin0 * switches: switch1 = pin1, switch2 = pin2, switch3 = pin3 * leds: led1 = pin3, led2 = pin5, led3 = pin6 * power outs: out1 = pin3, out2 = pin5, out3 = pin6 * motor outs: motor1_1 = pin8, motor1_2 = pin13, motor2_1 = pin11, motor2_2 = pin12 * motor pwms: pwmMotor1 = pin10, pwmMotor2 = pin9 * servo outs: servo1 = pin2, servo2 = pin4, servo3 = pin7 */ // import sensor aktor library for pin mapping #include <SensorAktor.h> // import motor library #include <MotorL293.h> // create instance for motor MotorL293 myMotor; // poti value int potiValue = 0; // this block is executed one time when programm starts void setup(){ // attach pins to motor (motor pin1, motor pin2, pwm pin motor) myMotor.attach(motor1_1, motor1_2, pwmMotor1); // set direction (0=left, 1=right) myMotor.setDirection(0); } // this block is executed in a loop after setup is called one time void loop(){ // read poti (value between 0 and 1023) potiValue = analogRead(poti); // scale poti value to use it with setPower (value between 0 and 254) potiValue = map(potiValue, 0 , 1023, 0, 254); // set speed of motor using poti value (value between 0 and 254) myMotor.setPower(potiValue); }
We developed a simple library to control a DC motor using the L293 chip. Include it in the header of your code and define a variable for the motor.
// import motor library #include <MotorL293.h> // create instance for motor MotorL293 myMotor;
Then attach the pins to the motor and set the direction.
void setup(){ // attach pins to motor (motor pin1, motor pin2, pwm pin motor) myMotor.attach(motor2_1, motor2_2, pwmMotor2); // set direction (0=left, 1=right) myMotor.setDirection(0); }
To drive the motor use the setPower() function.
// set speed of motor using poti value (value between 0 and 254) myMotor.setPower(potiValue);
You can have a view at the “MotorL293.cpp” file to get an idea, how the motor is controlled. We use the PWM to set the power of the motor. To get a better result the PWM frequency is increased by setting its prescaler to 1.
// Timer 1 prescaler to 1 cbi(TCCR1B, CS12); cbi(TCCR1B, CS11); sbi(TCCR1B, CS10);
The direction of the motor is set by switching motor pin1 and motor pin2 polar.
// set direction void MotorL293::setDirection(int direction){ // turn left if(direction == 0){ digitalWrite(motorPin1,HIGH); digitalWrite(motorPin2,LOW); }else{ digitalWrite(motorPin1,LOW); digitalWrite(motorPin2,HIGH); } }
Files needed
Since Arduino 0015 there are some problems with the old “SensorAktor.h” file.
Use this one instead.