Fly Swatter

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Basic example to show how three sevos, driven by sensor data are used to control a fly swatter.

/* fly swatter

 * based on the example "Servo Controller"
 * uses three servos, driven by sensor data (e.g. potis) to control a fly swatter
 * uses modified servo library,

 * SensorAktor Workshop
 * Lab3 2008
 * Kunsthochschule fuer Medien Koeln
 * Academy of Media Arts Cologne

 * pin mapping SensorAktor Shield
 * import SensorAktor.h to get already defined mapping
 * analog inputs: analog0 = pin0, analog1 = pin1, analog2 = pin2,
 * analog3 = pin3, analog4 = pin4, analog5 = pin5
 * built-in poti: poti = pin5
 * amplified input: mic = pin0
 * switches: switch1 = pin1, switch2 = pin2, switch3 = pin3
 * leds: led1 = pin3, led2 = pin5, led3 = pin6
 * power outs: out1 = pin3, out2 = pin5, out3 = pin6
 * motor outs: motor1_1 = pin8, motor1_2 = pin13, motor2_1 = pin11, motor2_2 = pin12
 * motor pwms: pwmMotor1 = pin10, pwmMotor2 = pin9
 * servo outs: servo1 = pin2, servo2 = pin4, servo3 = pin7


// import sensor aktor library for pin mapping
#include <SensorAktor.h>

// import servo library
#include <SoftwareServo.h>

// servo
SoftwareServo myServo1;
SoftwareServo myServo2;
SoftwareServo myServo3;

// sensor values
int value1 = 0;
int value2 = 0;
int value3 = 0;

// this block is executed one time when programm starts
void setup(){

  // set pin modes

  // attaches the servo on the servo pin


// this block is executed in a loop after setup is called one time
void loop(){

  // read sensor values (value is between 0 and 1023)
  value1 = analogRead(analog1);
  value2 = analogRead(analog2);
  value3 = analogRead(analog3);
  // scale sensor value to use it with the verso (value between 0 and 179)
  value1 = map(value1, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
  value2 = map(value2, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
  value3 = map(value3, 0, 1023, 0, 179);

  // sets the servo positions according to the scaled sensor values

  // refresh always needed to drive servo


Files needed

Since Arduino 0015 there are some problems with the old “SensorAktor.h” file.

Use this one instead.