Vertigo of Reality

The exhibition Vertigo of Reality (Schwindel der Wirklichkeit”) is examining the construction and deconstruction of reality in the arts. KHM-staff Jonas Hansen (Lab.D), Thomas Hawranke (Transmedialer Raum), Karin Lingnau (Lab3) and Lasse Scherffig (former staff at Lab3 and doctorate candidate) are taking part with some collaborative works out of their cycle Paidia Laboratory: feedback.
It will be shown from 17th September to 14th December 2014 at the Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, Berlin.
Grand Opening in conjunction with the opening of the Berlin Art Week will be on 16th September, 19:00.
On 26th/ 27th of September Lasse Scherffig will also take part in the symposium Reeling/Realing – On the digital threshold.
About the exhibition:
How does today’s art alter reality? How do aesthetic production and political, social space interact with each other? With VERTIGO OF REALITY, the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, is examining the construction and deconstruction of reality in the arts. The profound changes in artistic practice as a result of new media, in particular digitalisation, have resulted in a stream of new strategies tackling how to construct or deconstruct reality in and with art, attempting to make a contribution to enlightenment and resistance through critical appraisal. The project seeks answers to the question of the beholder’s repositioning between artwork and reality, highlights key concepts such as participation and interactivity, and fathoms changes to our self-determination which affect all areas of modern life.
Out of the text of Mark Butler, one of the curators of the show, about the feedback cycle:
The artist group Paidia Institute, in this case Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and Lasse Scherffig, is dedicated to the field of playable systems, both as specific techné as well as significant socio-cultural phenomenon. With its ongoing series of experiments “Paidia Laboratory: feedback” the artists investigate computer games as closed cybernetic circuits, literal Closed Circuits - controlled chains that can contain human elements, but not necessarily. To this end, they modify the software and hardware of commercial game systems and link them to experimental arrangements, whereby their respective feedback behavior is driven in new directions and an archeology of their interaction dispositive is disclosed.
The image shows the work Paidia Laboratory: feedback #10, 2014.