share festival 2015

The exhibition and festival Share is examining the construction and deconstruction of reality in the arts. KHM-staff Jonas Hansen (Lab.D), Thomas Hawranke (Transmedialer Raum), Karin Lingnau (Lab3) and Lasse Scherffig (former staff at Lab3 and doctorate candidate) are taking part with some collaborative works out of their cycle Paidia Laboratory: feedback.
It will be shown from 19th March to 12th April 2015 at the Temporary Museum, Corso Verona 15, Torino, Italy.
About the exhibition:
Share Festival 2014/2015“Humans are surrounded by a distributed intelligence that tracks, profiles and assists us, seeking to pre-empt, analyze and bring about our dreams and desires and forming a complex, autonomous system.”Software assistants, drones, cars that drive themselves and bots for high-frequency trading.As computing becomes more and more distributed, humans are no longer the only agents of analysis and action.
Subjects become profiles, filed and categorised in a vast system designed to extrapolate our actions and convert them into profit variables.Where does the growth in potential stop and a technological circuit begin, in which our choices are increasingly driven by “emergent” considerations that act autonomously?
The image shows the work Paidia Laboratory: feedback #10, 2014.