Science Fiction Night and Planetary Congress

  • reading and movie screening as part of the planetary congress in cologne
  • tuesday, 11th june 2013
  • university of cologne, auditorium XVIII, main building

In the course of the XXVI Congress of Planetary Space Travel
there will be different events in Cologne, lectures, readings and a congress with international space explorers (in july). One of these events is the
Science Fiction Night
at the University of Cologne. It starts with a reading by author Marcus Hammerschmitt out of his novel “Yardang”, followed by a screening of Brian de Palmas “Mission to Mars” of the year 2000.
The event is free.


11. Juni 2013, Einlass: Ab 18:30 Uhr, Beginn:19.00 Uhr

Hörsaal XVIII
, Hauptgebäude, Albertus-Magnus-Platz



More about the planetary congress and its programm at


More about associated events e.g.
on the homepage of the Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde, Themenjahr Luft- und Raumfahrt,
the start of the Planetary Congress here: or
on the university website concerning the topic of the year.



The image shows a screenshot out of the movie “Mission to Mars” by Brian de Palma © 2000 Touchstone Pictures