pause – computer games and cultural contingencies

  • exhibition as part of the festival and conference PLAY!CGN in Cologne

  • 21.-24.11.2013
  • Temporary Gallery Cologne
  • Vernissage 20.11.2013, 20:00

As part of PLAY! CGN and for the Acad­emy of Media Arts Cologne, we present an exhi­bi­tion about the theme PAUSE in games at the Tem­po­rary Gallery, Cologne.

›› pause – com­puter games and cul­tural contingencies


With works by: Pip­pin Barr (MT), Michael Bell-Smith (US), Karen Eliot (DE), Daniel Hel­big (DE), Hörner/Antlfinger (DE), Mil­tos Mane­tas (UK), Kent Sheely (US), Jeroen D Stout (NL) und Yuk-Yiu IP (HKN).


Open­ing: Novem­ber 20th, 2013, 7 p.m.
Con­cert: Annes­ley Black per­forms together with Theo Nabicht and Ernesto Moli­nari, play­ing live music and the com­puter game THIS FEELS GREAT by Jonas Hansen, Milan Grajetzki, Andreas Schönau und Jairo Gutiérrez.


Exhi­bi­tion: Novem­ber 21st – 24th 2013
Tem­po­rary Gallery, Köln


Curated by Thomas Hawranke and Karin Ling­nau
Con­cept: Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Ling­nau and Lasse Scherffig