Paidia Laboratory: feedback at the ZKM

Out of the series Paidia Laboratory: feedback the works feedback #2 and feedback #6 can be seen at the exhibition ZKM:Gameplay, relaunched again on the 21st of june 2013 at the Medienmuseum.
The project examines computer games as closed feedback systems. In an ongoing series of artistic experiments the feedback behaviour of games is studied, by coupling their in- and output through modifications of hard- and software. The focus lies not on the usability of games, but rather on an archeology of interaction – determining the limits and boundaries of games in order to understand the media specific characteristics of computer games.
With Paidia Laboratory: feedback Lab3 friends, alumni and staff Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and › Lasse Scherffig are representing Paidia Institute.